Auto Faucet
Level System
Weekly Contest

Why join us?
- Easy To Earn Money - There are many ways to earn money in our site such as faucet, shortlinks, ptc, tasks, offerwalls, ...
- Level System – Level up your account and climb the leaderboard to earn more money and unlock new features.
- Fast Withdrawal – We pay you instantly or daily to your wallet or microwallet addresses.
- User Friendly – The website is user friendly and compatible with all browsers and devices.
Currencies Supported

Payment Proofs
# | Username | Address | Amount |
384 | ashkan1986 | 0xD78eF2d99f991ECCE71B6E377624016CE9484702 | 0.0196 USD |
383 | luthein | 0x63669b5fC5850261bc034F2d585a86FfFF8f445d | 0.04675 USD |
382 | Kh19 | 0xED79715623E76925BE522Ff2444d7A9e5409880b | 0.014356 USD |
381 | KOVAL11 | ak09795488@gmail.com | 0.05 USD |
380 | beny99 | 0x62E0a5D5739feB15D76820ec145456F780EAE01F | 0.02305 USD |
379 | criptoman76 | yoelispg@gmail.com | 0.0255 USD |
378 | Albernaz | 000albernaz000@gmail.com | 0.0103 USD |
377 | Hamada419 | 0xc267dA17c5Be5D2Bb9b657CcAEb759118edeeD10 | 0.011 USD |
376 | ManojMithra | mani22manoj@gmail.com | 0.02105 USD |
375 | Jasondan | jasondan444@gmail.com | 0.01225 USD |
374 | luthein | 0x63669b5fC5850261bc034F2d585a86FfFF8f445d | 0.05025 USD |
373 | Timlove83 | 0x810Bd941450b9A816aA818684b7Dd41aB89962C9 | 0.02 USD |
372 | Dogino1971 | mohsenboujnah1969@gmail.com | 0.01705 USD |
371 | ashkan1986 | 0xD78eF2d99f991ECCE71B6E377624016CE9484702 | 0.0204 USD |
370 | sue3637 | 0x18A3aB540c9622108fDB331C5B59dE094aB0B8eD | 0.0118 USD |
369 | nana | 0xebf8B3Ae1c160cd2dfe6845925B752b9d19Ad91d | 0.0156 USD |
368 | Dogino1971 | mohsenboujnah1969@gmail.com | 0.0701 USD |
367 | Abokalel | 0x5Af766CEeCFcd764b6601977E79bbB628b17f53a | 0.0958 USD |
366 | lesnati111 | lesnati111@gmail.com | 0.01075 USD |
365 | mangi | chatanki492@gmail.com | 0.06985 USD |
What Our User Say About Earncrypto
We work hard daily to improve it and bring you the most exciting faucet.
Frequently Asked Queries

Can I create multiple accounts?
You are not allowed to create multiple accounts or have multiple accounts in the same network. All violated accounts will be banned.
Am I benefit from referring my friends?
We share up to 10% of your friend earning for referring them. You can get your referral link in Refferal Tab
Can I use Bots or VPN/Proxy?
Bots, VPN/Proxy are not allowed on this site. We will ban all violated accounts.